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Everything posted by skidooboy

  1. you gotta take me to the rocks some day. looks awesome. just a lot of landmines for much offtrail fun. nice that you made it to Tunnel Lake Trading Post. Ski
  2. Melting. First day of 5 or 6. Not sure how this will turn out. Ski
  3. If you are looking for true powder, I wouldnt count on it, in Algoma north. If you want powder, I would go west again. If you wanted to be able to explore areas, you normally cant get to, due to deep powder sucking all the fuel out of the tank, Algoma north will be decent. Gord Jones posted a great video, thursday, in the badlands, and it looked great. but, after a week of plus temps, that will firm up, and settle pretty significantly. he did that at Christmas too. posted a great powder vid, then a warm up happened. need to get him to stop posting great powder vids, I see a pattern there. LOL! Ski
  4. looking at the forecast, that is going to change pretty harshly from now until friday, for all of us. our offtrail is not looking good now, and we are way further north than you. snow, thaw, snow, thaw, super cold, sugar snow on bottom, more snow, and now another thaw. it is not a trail rider or powder riders year. just being a realist, and watching, knowing, what these weather cycles do to snow. get after it while you can, I have a feeling, when it starts to go, it is going to go, and leave. our grass in central lower michigan is starting to green up, no shit! forecasting close to 60* F on weds here too. plus to add insult to injury, only 1 day in the next 14 with a high below freezing. Ski
  5. Warm springish bluebird day. Snow depths are decent. Ski
  6. get after it while you can, 14 out of the next 14 days are forecast above freezing in Central lower Michigan, which will wipe out central lower Ontario's trails. probably hurt the near north a bunch too. sorry to be a debbie downer but, the forecast is there. Ski
  7. Highway has been closed Weds, Thurs, and on and off Friday, and Saturday. Temps have been brutally cold too. A little grey up there today but, snow depths look decent. D west toward Hammer lake, and White River, and from Hornepayne to the river crossing at the Kabi, the D108A are not open yet. Hornepayne north to Hwy 11 is closed too. Very weird winter. Ski
  8. usually we have been riding for several weeks. I havent even started the sleds. havent been to the house to ride since new years day. going to be a short, low mileage winter for us. I am looking forward to dirt bike riding, and racing again, this summer. coming fast. Ski
  9. it "twins" it in the bush off to the side of the highway, on the pipeline corridor. you really cant see the highway though. Ski
  10. no, it is red, and closed by the ITG. from 50 miles south of Hornepayne at the Kabi River, to 60 miles north of Hornepayne at Mooseland. Ski
  11. Hornepayne sunk a groomer, waiting for it to be fixed. they have a farm tractor type groomer on loan but, are having issues utilizing it, for their terrain. and they are looking for volunteers to cut, trim, brush the trail. that was the last update I heard a few days ago. Ski
  12. Wow, just wow! but, it is ok for you to do it, on purpose. I see where you are better than I now. thank you for enlightening me. Ski
  13. Not a jab at all, sorry that offends you. it was a anecdotal way to describe what happened. some didnt agree with others on certain items, dug their heels in, then just left, vs trying to work out differences, or ignoring the differences, or better yet, ignoring those they didnt agree with, or like. But to leave, start your own places (not the first time that has happened here either), then to invite people from here, to join their newly formed group, seemed to be a weird change of events. (at least to me). I dont wish any ill will, nor do I have bad feelings for the people that left. I just think it was sad that, it was just those things that made people turn on one another and leave. having the ignore feature turned on for the people that upset you the most, is a great tool to utilize on any media platform. and I am with Ox, I dont believe in deleting someones account fully. there are links, helpful tips, history, that help others. wanting all of your info you shared with others wiped from existence just doenst make sense. unless there was, is, some high security risk. Ski
  14. missing it, monkey barrel didnt start until the "problems" and difference of opinion during covid. that was when several left, starting their own website and FB page to be sledding only, instead of a social club around sledding. was kind of I'm taking my ball and going home kind of theater. I miss the larger group, and the more threads, discussions, pics, reports, trip reports, the things people were building, working on. the fights were in the open, before the barrel was offered. Ski
  15. Bluebird day up there. Cold 5f at 430pm. Wish we were there. Maybe next week. Ski
  16. it was an opt in or opt out for those that didnt want to see political, or covid related posts on a sledding forum. Ski
  17. The complaining, infighting, and difference of opinion on the trails, clubs, districts, ofsc, govt, and covid handling, treatment, protocols, vax status, and conspiracy theory, mis, disinformation beliefs, really changed our site, friends, families, and world dynamics. It is sad really but, part of the information at a glance age. Welcome to our future, unfortunately. Ski
  18. Snowing and blowing today. Every little bit helps. Ski
  19. Good for you! making memories! livin the dream! DIY trip, or guided? love the mountain west... Revy was/is on the bucket list. always dreamed of riding with the "Ghosts" (snow/frosted trees, like popsickles). Ski
  20. coating it with anything helping stop, block, corrosion, will make the trailer last longer and easier to maintain later. Fluid film is thin and will require a yearly application, wool wax is the same product only thicker, still needs reapplication. the newest kid on the block is Surface shield from the people that brought us PB Blaster spray penetrating oil. they say it lasts 2 years between applications. it wont hurt, can only help. you spent how much on a trailer, or vehicle? a few hundred up front, and 50 a year to protect it, is well worth the time, and effort. Ski
  21. Lots of antlers over the years. we have over 20 now. still a hoot to find them, on and off trail. the antler with the water bottle for scale, is the one on my back, in the blue, green, white gear. it was pretty big. the one with Lynne in the pink gear, Dan Kelly from Manitouwadge, and I ran it over, my sled kicked it up, for Lynne to see. the one with Lynne and I, was the first pair we found laying together. I found another later that day, that gave us 3 in one day. The one with GrapeApe and I is from circa 2012, in Manitouwadge. We have found them in Dub, Mani, Hornepayne, etc... they are everywhere. the most we have ever found was 4 in one day. that day lynne and I each found one, and my buddy and his wife, each found one, taking turns leading. Ski
  22. Looks like we received a little snow, since the last update. Every little bit helps. Ski
  23. Rain went a long way north. Wawa club, made a statement closing what little trails they had opened, until weather, snow cooperates. Ski
  24. no, they are not on the trail any longer. when they eliminated the F trail, they eliminated the access to flame lake. sad, for Karen, Gary, and Maureen. that was a favorite trail stop, and overnight place for us. Ski
  25. it says please, not required, not law, not mandated. it is a suggestion. could Barney Fife ticket you, yep. and further hold up the court for dumb stuff, only for the judge to read the "please", and not a "required, for permit to be valid", and say case dismissed, oh, opp, ofsc, mto, pay the courts and the defendants costs, please. Barney, next time read the fine print before you ticket someone and bring this S-show to my courtroom. guessing here but, I see that is how that would go. Ski
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