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Everything posted by slomo

  1. Bring your family trucksters up here gobills - Quality Inn, pool, hot tub, waffle machine & good breakfast, lots of parking. (I received no conpensation or special consideration for the mention of any commercial enterprise - unlike some) Good sightlines along the trails for safe family transport. Trail from hotel is across the road over 4 lanes of traffic - most folks were crossing the lanes and accessing via a cut in the high snowbank, but I found it safer to follow the plowed sidewalk around the Kelsey's restaurant next door and cross with the traffic light. Rouskiis helped a great deal. A couple of closing pictures - maybe these guys recognize themselves... Back to the grind tomorrow - planning next trip. A big thanks to the clubs in the area for all their hard work - interesting to explore a new riding area and see in person those things that KCC posted about. Easy access to Burger King in Deep River not advertised too well which for me is good- will keep this from ms. slomo. Love the whopper, but high in fat and calories.
  2. I think you and the northern crew would like the A trail around here - happy wanderings on the trails that never disappoint~! Your club does an excellent job of trails and signs - any idea how far the exit 2 trail is to the Pines Motel? I started down it to find out, but after the little bridge, turned back as trail was very bumby. Did a run over to Rolphton this morning - on the A trail mainly and a few side trails - needed the heated jacket and double socks as somehow the temperatures were way lower than forecast - in for lunch just now and out again soon. Here are a few pictures.... A couple of things I noted - down in District 1 a couple of weeks ago, most people gave the 'last sled in line' with a clenched fist to the chest...here it is mostly the pointing to the ground gesture...Also, people are very courteous with the hand signals - even those who passed me at least gave the last sled in line signal so that I could get back into the trail mode more safely after they passed. One group of about 6 sleds, each rider passing gave a next sled in line number, until the last rider in this professional looking group gave a thanks wave and last sled inline signal. Neat.
  3. Never been in this area sledding before - snow and trail conditions are excellent. As is my usual habit just following the nose of the sled around with only the vaguest of destinations to mark a turn around point....day break picture for Blake G.... Over to KCC's territory ....trail between Chalk River and Deep River a gem for riders such as myself... in an easterly direction .... a trail that shouldn't be missed if in the area....trail 114... and inspired by Voice of Fire hanging at the National Gallery in Ottawa for 2 million dollars or more.... here is Voice of Snow.....priceless.... (hmmm going to have to talk to them about installing matching stakes either side of the trail....kind of throws things off...) Revised version... Getting a late start today...the breakfast at the hotel starts at 7 am (hmmmmphh more like brunch time if you ask me) and the lure of the waffle machine is overwhelming....more later.
  4. It's an evolutionary thing.....designed to keep early humans from going back up into the trees once they adapted to walking on two legs on land. It's a fact.
  5. Rogue snowmobile escapes husband, smashes through house and lands on wife Porterville man says he can replace the machine, but not his wife On Tuesday, Porter had been having trouble starting the machine, so he held in the throttle as he tried again. The throttle stuck and the machine took off on a 100-metre dash directly towards a snowbank in front of his house in Porterville, not far from Lewisporte. "She lifted up, came in through my dining room window, actually took the chandelier and hit the ceiling." "If God was going to give me a miracle, he would have turned the machine away. But sometimes he's got special ways of getting our attention." article: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/bruce-porter-porterville-skidoo-runaway-1.4981592 Related - earlier story.... A tale of the runaway snowmobile, and the people who chased it As the snowmobile approached Pasadena, an unmarked Royal Newfoundland Constabulary officer nudged the machine off the road, causing it to hit a snowbank — ending its 12-kilometre adventure. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/a-tale-of-the-runaway-snowmobile-and-the-people-who-chased-it-1.2988616
  6. district 1 - GAS IN IROQUOIS CLOSED - for unforeseeable future. Noticed on my way to the east..... The Stinson gas station proximate to the Iroquois Motel was closed as of last June. Owner died and future plans are uncertain at this time according to news reports. Closest gas is in Morrisburg about 10 km's away by road 2 or OFSC trail.
  7. Canada wide web cams - pick your province: https://www.lookr.com/fr/explore#!canada
  8. Great pictures...thanks! Wawa 5 - my all time favourite trail. (in Ontario)
  9. New Brunswick highway cams http://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/dti/highways_roads/content/highway_cameras.html Quebec highway cams http://www.quebec511.info/en/cameras/ Nova Scotia highway cams https://novascotia.ca/tran/cameras/ Newfoundland / Labrador highway cams http://www.roads.gov.nl.ca/cameras/default.stm PEI highway cams http://511.gov.pe.ca/en/cameras/ Confederation Bridge http://confederationbridge.com/
  10. What was wrong with the sled?
  11. Did they get wifi yet? Asked about this when they had a booth at the sled show as in previous times they did not or it was only available around the main building. Woman started arguing that people should just turn the things off for nature or some such stuff - I suggested a few good uses for connectivity while on a sledding trip and moved on. Not even sure that cell phone coverage is in the area.
  12. Trying to figure out how I can contribute as usually in a different location each weekend. Also, very less "dependent" on my cell flip phone than most- no texting and usually shut off. (yes, I am a mutant) Maybe create a new continuous sticky thread on the forum where members post where they are each trip (if they're in the same place for any length of time) or combined with 'help needed' postings? maybe too complicated....?
  13. Added one for your list there hi-mileage. BTW - was inspired by your sled trip to western NFLD a few year's ago and have got a trip in the works. Thanks! I'll add my info to soupkid's list once spending more time at the camp - DunAhmic region. Until recently, you would have to speak Persian to get any help. (which come to think of it might have been pretty entertaining)
  14. New proprietors at the former Red Door Bakery in Waubamic - DunAhmic area of district 10. ( if it is still called district 10) Kitzies Kitchen is the new name, no internet presence yet. Selling baked goods, some small grocery items and hoping to expand to a deli restaurant over time. They have applied to sell gas - will update next time I'm over there.
  15. Time to send out some 'way to go!' emails? Who's got some addresses?
  16. Meet you for burgers and beer Saturday night in Kap if weather holds. Keep me updated!
  17. There was once a chicken farmer named Viperules 700. He had about 100 hens and a rooster named Slow Touring Rooster. STR was getting on in age, so VR700 decided to go into town and get a newer, more strenuous rooster. Arriving back at the farm VR700 tossed the new rooster into the barnyard, then went into the house. The new rooster strutted straight up to Slow Touring Rooster, kicked him in the shins and said "Beat it! I'm the new rooster in town and I'm taking all these hens for myself!" STR replied "Well, you just got here. Supposed we split the hens 50 / 50 until you get used to your new surroundings?" The new rooster snorts "Not a chance! These hens are all mine"! STR "Well, there is one hen of whom I am particularly fond. Perhaps you let me keep her and you get all the others?" New Rooster "Nope - I want them all!" STR "Kind of unfair you just coming in here and taking every hen without earning them. What I propose is this - we race three times around the barn. The winner gets all the hens..." The new rooster looks at STR who at this point in life is balding, putting on weight, and puffing for breath once in a while, and decides to humour the old guy with a race for the hens. The two roosters line up, one of the hens yells "GO!" and they are off. First time around the barn, Slow Touring Rooster immediately begins to run as fast as he can, going all out, while the new rooster just lopes along behind him sure that he can catch up later. Second time around the barn, STR is still burning it as fast as he can go, the new rooster just catching up but a little behind of him, hoping to impress the hens with a triumphant burst of speed and a win on the next lap. Third time around the barn, there's a loud BANG!. Viperules 700 is standing there with a still smoking shot gun and the new rooster is dead - a pile of charred feathers in the barnyard dirt. Viperules700 mutters to himself "I just don't get it. That's the third gay rooster I've bought this month".
  18. Thanks! If you guys get another blizzard, info will be handy.
  19. Todd- what's in the area for accomodation if someone came out from GTA for a weekend? Any sledder friendly motels etc. with trail access that you know of?(will check revrnd's list later but thinking you know some places)
  20. oh I see how this works....

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