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Everything posted by UsedtoSkidoo

  1. Not everyone wants to be informed Crispy.
  2. I found out that a skidoo rev wasnt as good as the old indy chassis.....................Didnt go down but was so close
  3. They do and will. I agree with you but that particular model the 170 is the last to be produced and very limited numbers. You buy it, drive it a few hundred k a year and in 30 years worth big money. The regular ones meh..............i agree with you
  4. Thats the MSRP. What they are getting is way higher. I know in the US they were asking way over 250,000 if you could get one.
  5. Went by again last weekend. Tons of bikes going by. For reference little bakery in Orrville was jam packed with locals and tourists. Shame really.
  6. The Seadoo boats and seadoos technically arent boats. like you said they arent meant to stay in the water
  7. Went by there on the weekend by Motorycle. Lots of us on the roads. Too bad there wasnt a place to stop like the Sprucedale
  8. Ski lift on any Trail Skidoo is marginal. Just a slight weight movement but nothing like an uncoupled skid where you have to wait until you exit the corner before giving it the throttle
  9. I didnt know that Polaris owns Indian. That being said if its not a Harley its crap!
  10. never ridden one. The issue was the initial price point was the same as Harley so there really was no incentive to buy one as its resale value was terrible.
  11. I have just started up my new 900 turbo in the trailer but its noticeably louder than our non turbo 900. Its still quiet as anything and you can talk over it no issues. Mine is stock
  12. Gone..............unexpectedly..
  13. west end GTA or i can bring it to muskoka
  14. I have 4 or 5 full 4 litre jugs here for sale brand new. Let me know if you need them Message me for OC price Thanks
  15. I have 5 4 lire jugs of XPS full synthetic if anyone needs it. I will give good OC discount. Apparently I have gone full senior citizen and just realized i dont need them
  16. Ill wait and see. If i dont like it ill sell it. anyway
  17. I havent rode one yet. But i know what it will ride like. Im fully expecting to like the power hate the weight. Frankly I need to slow down in the trails anyway. Being old and fat.............lol
  18. Yes you had to attest that you were vaxxed upon booking a flight. Never asked though
  19. always jobs out there Huntsville is dying for workers. Good decision
  20. Possibly, but I'm talking about our generation and our responsibilities. I know i was told at 14 to get a job. Had no choice in the matter. However, I don't want to turn this into "I had to walk to school uphill both ways to school " thread
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