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Hauled the mail today! 217 miles


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My riding parnter and I left the newly built Holiday Inn Express this morning in New Liskeard at around 10am. We took the A trail out of town on the Attak and Apex and went straight north on the L189 to intersec A108Q. Alot of nice fast farm country and really good snow. We ate lunch in Kirkland Lake and set out for Iroquios Falls via A108 and the A trail. We ended up south of Iroquios Falls sooner than expected so we decided to head to Timmons to spend the night. We took the A111C. What a trail!! Smooth and fast and smooth and fast. I kept looking behind me and my riding partner was usually right behind me. Not only is my riding partner my wife but now she's my fast wife.



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I don't think we are gonna make it any farther north than this. Gonna turn this trip around and head back to the truck which is parked in Pembroke. If I am not mistaken the odometers are reading around 570 miles. My favorite spot so far on this trip is Mattaw. The Volais restruant had the best food and the view of the Ottawa River is just so peaceful out those resturant windows. Once we get back to Pembroke I'll load up these Yamahas and head back to Georgia. Just another 1300 mile road trip.

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Wow that's dedicated. Has to be more to this story? How does a good ole boy from Georgia end up sledding north from Pembroke?

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GEORGIA?? REALLY???? That is like my wife and I gettin into swamp buggy racing. lol. How did you wind up getting into snowmobiling? Cool, glad your having fun.

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In a nut shell the story goes like this. My father was brought up to the Land O Lakes (mazinaw powerline snowmobile club) Cloyne, On. area by my grandfather when my dad was just a kid. At that they were living in southern Ohio. (12 hr trip) My father has always come back to that area every summer since, with his 6 kids in tow. Now he owns a place on the lake there. Now I am 49 and a few years back (2005) on a summer vacation with my family of 4, we were visiting dad in Cloyne and I spotted a sign "Snowmobile Rental". I spoke with my younger brother about taking this trip with my son (13) and I. We rented 2 Ski Doo 600s and had a blast down in the mazinaw area. One thing I will always remember is how much my down filled camo clothing reaked of exhaust fumes, thus the Yamahas. None the less I always look forward to sleddin in Ontario. I was and still am today amazed at the trail system you guys have up here. I have covered about 80% of Ontario on snowmobiles and cant think of anything better I like to do. (Except one thing that involves my honey). :) My neighbors at home think I am nuts, but hey we all have our issues. Riding on a 150hp fuel injected 4 stroke snowmobile in freezing temps is just where it is at for me!

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One thing I will always remember is how much my down filled camo clothing reaked of exhaust fumes, thus the Yamahas

I'll take Aphrodisiac's for $500 Alex.

Flash - how you likin' that 1200?


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