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Everything posted by stoney

  1. Depending on the recent weather, that run can be bad.
  2. Curious, does anyone know a person that has caught Covid-19 more than once?
  3. Maybe signed up as a different user.....moderator can check the IP address if they wanted too I am sure, but why.
  4. I agree as well & think you are correct. I just posted a video of Kawagama TV on Winter 2021 thread that mentions trail d101B being closed & why (due to health regions), but this trail is groomed and being ran, not 100% sure if the entire section is, but I saw both ends of this trail for this Red section, and it is groomed and sled tracks.....I ran the lake bypass. That is right, they are all front and center in the NB/PS district right now....bigger fish to fry....
  5. I did not see/read this post.....I too find it very odd that the world has labs that people manage to work in every day with I assume low or non existent death rates, that could be used in this scenario to protect the high risk. I mentioned this before about that retired general that wrote in an article recently talking about the training the army practiced do just that in this scenario, isolating those at risk & the support personal to look after them, and he questioned why those same practices are not being used now. On the bold, this seems to make more and more sense given what is happening right in front of us.....I recall a guy months ago was talking to me about this, thought he was a bit crazy & reading into things a little too much, but perhaps not....
  6. Sorry to hear about that Blackstar. I think protection could be possible, and no I am no expert, but given what you know that goes on in labs with I am sure deadlier things, yet people are not dying at the same rate there. Makes me wonder if they allow people to come and go into these places vs. being totally isolated either at the residence or a camp designed for that where protection could be greater enhanced.
  7. No, they are not the main cause, agreed.....but adding to the magical number that is being used as a tool to support the stupidity going on and what is also causing so many to have so much fear, preventing those from actually thinking with a level head.....but yes, that is the point to some degree..... Fix it by getting back to life, let nature take its course, provide protection to those that need it based on highest risk demographic.
  8. Knowing we apparently have an "issue" with the people within our Ontario circle that live here now, work here (well not all in light of what is going on) and the vast majority (I think) that would like to see things get to normal, but yet the driving factor for the restrictions in place are the infected numbers and the hospital numbers that are under the microscope, why would allowing "new" people to come here be okay.....regardless of their impact today, the bottom line, it is another infected person that is fueling the asinine decisions being made, so put a stop to it or put a stop to the whole thing and lets get on with life. Personally, like to put a stop to all of it & get on with things, but I know that is a huge hurtle to overcome right now. Obviously you cannot stop goods, but people that have not reason to be coming here now, should be stopped or placed in a mandatory secure camp for the quarantined time line, no questions asked or option to opt out.....but that is another cost that we can do without.....
  9. Every business, place of worship, etc....currently expected to be closed, should all agree to a date that they resume to normal business, following the current protocols of course, and just do it, end of story. Feb 9 was the original planned date to end this, so that should ideally be the date. What could possibly be done if most or all did this in this province ?!?!?! .....this would send a very loud message that life and business needs to resume, enough is enough. How can anyone in their right mind not wrap their heads around the simple fact that when they continue to allow infected people into the province or country, it is NOT going to get the numbers anywhere near where they need them to be to appease the powers that be - coincidence by chance, hmm, I wonder.... Now, how do you put something as grand as this into motion.....
  10. But only less than 2% of Ontarians are infected than as well - so it is okay, right.......
  11. If you are replacing the grips & heating elements, add some spray foam to the inside of the handlebar, really helps with the maintaining the heat.
  12. I am sure Kawagama is the same than, these two are usually on par with one another. I never rode on it or near it when up last.
  13. Exactly how Simon Sinek explains a certain age bracket!
  14. Raven is I think so, some nice cold temps lately and not much snow, I think will be okay soon. kushog had lots of tracks too. lakes further south didn’t seem to have the same activity as usual with huts, tracks, etc....
  15. Just checked ASC Facebook page and updates from week or so ago shows it was yellow. Nothing there suggesting why red now.
  16. I didn’t take it on Saturday but looked open , groomed and tracked up when I went by it. Like PLC said, it seemed all trails leading to lakes not staked were Red. Maybe it was in error and correction made until LOB is staked.
  17. Hopefully they are all either on the road to recover or over it. Guessing the daughter and her ex might have had some not so pleasant words exchanged.
  18. Only for the NB/PS district, top priority right now that will possibly have the biggest return..... Who would have thunk all you had to do to get that much enforcement was to close trails mid-season for completely unjustified reasons..
  19. Seems like a lot of positive cases in your circle, what is the common thread that is causing that or there is not one that is obvious? How are the nine dealing with it, okay I hope? Wishing them all a speedy recovery to good health.
  20. Can’t argue about that, not helping the cause.
  21. You mean look like a person that simply reacted to pressures vs doing his actual job and due diligence.... I’m thinking his credibility will suffer as a result of this. And forget about admitting his error.
  22. For sure encouraging to read this.....but I think most of us knew or at least thought they were doing something in the back ground. They are dealing with a double edge sword on this matter, so need to approach it very politically.
  23. This is the most insane part about it.....just speaks volumes of the type of people that live in and around the GTA....
  24. That is right, nothing to see here, it is all above board............
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