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Everything posted by stoney

  1. Grabbing lunch in Dwight with my son. Trails aren’t bad for a Sunday. 65 has some chop but fresh snow makes big difference from this past Monday. Son complained about tummy, ended up puking on trail 67, seems good to go now though…lol forgot some pictures.
  2. Good stuff! Bring on March like a lion too….and out as well for that matter 👍
  3. Not sure but if not park at stp lot across the lake, quick run down the trail from there leads to the lake, scoot across lake, grab gas at Rockies and head north.
  4. Ya, that is an older one. Whenever I see it, it reminds of a couple towing an empty u-haul enclosed trailer on the 400, I think it was 4 feet x 10 feet maybe. They were towing with a Lincoln SUV, one of the smaller ones and they were right in front of me in morning rush hour going around the speed limit. Starting to see the dog waging the tail, I slowed down right away to keep my distance for fear of what next, they did not slow down once it started though and next thing the SUV and trailer were ragged dolled across the three lanes and finally into the center barrier. They were okay other than split coffer and air bag dust all over the place.....surprisingly no one else was caught in the ordeal. My first thought as a bunch of us stopped to help, was the trailer not loaded properly, but this was an empty trailer - those U-haul trailers are crazy heavy too as a bunch of guys moved it to side of the highway to get some lanes opened up to let traffic by.
  5. Snow on south side of Simcoe. system coming up from the south looks like it has lots of moisture to drop on the ground!
  6. No doubt different pockets all over the place will have different popular flavours - might be dealer support system there, etc..... Oddly enough most of the American's we saw on our trip seem to be sporting Doo's, mostly 850's.
  7. Possible issue with the land trail between the lakes - this is HF, perhaps a new issue popped up requiring "clarifications".....insurance can be a funny thing.
  8. This is kind of funny, and this is not because I now ride a DOO - but this year the number of DOO's I see on the snow is quite high compared to others. On the QC ride we did, CAT/YAMI was second for sire (all 4-strokes) and POO was third....but a far cry from the number of DOO's we seen. Here in our back yard, POO and CAT are closer but DOO is still far more popular to see. Chalk it up to coincidence or timing, not sure, just what I noticed. Perhaps delivery issues the last couple years is the reason for this & the lopsided numbers, it did seem DOO did a better job of delivering new iron, not perfect I know, just higher percentage. POO does have an awesome looking sled though, love the options the rider has to pick from too.....and sounds like it might be the best trail sled too on the snow.
  9. If it beats that POO, that is all that matters.......and of course the mighty MACH Z!!!!
  10. I watched the video quickly last night. Did not put much thought into the 2-strock since I don't ride one and do not plan to change - for those that do or will, look intriguing for sure but with that much power adder to a 2-stroke, I have my reservations GEN5 on 4-stroke is nice and I think expected (makes you wonder why they waited a year though....) MXZ now have two skid length options for those looking for the longer track 95% of all renegade are now 4-stroke (just Enduro has 2-stroke) Light signals is a great add on, but I agree would be nice to be tied to the sled vs. hand guards They talked about going back to better shock packages I thought for the MXZ, I wonder if this is really accurate I heard something about the gauge and some new features pertaining to tracking other riders like the POO has (I think this is new at least) I also heard about seat changes, hopefully on the Renegade as the one on mine could be be firmer and a tad higher Have not looked yet but I wonder what the price tag is for the new iron..... Not sure what else I recall hearing from the nice ladies.
  11. Is there any other way to approach this situation!!!
  12. I’ve seen it done in the past for logging, but it didn’t seem to be for logging, no signs posted like normal but I did notice a new sign about cottage association, parking was mentioned, etc….but I didn’t read much more. When bear lake road is groomed, it’s a really nice run, would suck to lose that.
  13. We saw a family today with a younger boy riding a POO like your sons - first person I thought of was you & wondered for a second if it was you, but the dad was on a newer POO.......than wife and daughter (I assumed) were trailing behind on a 2-up machine. Great to see all out on Family day weekend!!
  14. I wonder if you have something drawing off the battery when not running? -19 is not that cold really and to have zero juice, especially on a new battery, makes me think something else is going on. Highly suggest you pick up one of those booster packs, they go on sale at CT usually multiple times a year - well worth the investment. One of the first things I bought after I picked up my 4-stroke......not pulling one of those over...lol Nice pictures and report too!!
  15. The daughter and I staged from Raven today and ended up doing 180km when we returned to the truck. Surprisingly the trails were actually pretty good - yes, some not so good, but plenty of good to really good trails to make the drive well worth it! As Steve F6 said, D101B from ASC shelter to around 63 was mostly good, in either direction beyond these points, some new snow is needed for sure and some cold. 65 loop was great, some thin spots, but most of it was good, like it usually is. I considered the 66 loop but never did it.....must do it on the next run up there. 64/68 were good too. 77 needs some snow and cold for sure. Planned to grab lunch at Boiler room, but was closed until 4 I think. Grabbed gas at Shell / Webster's Beacon with the plan to scoot across LOB via 76 to get some food at Zachary's, tried to call them to see if open, but just vm.....daughter was hungry and did not want to risk running that way to have no food options so we noticed Webster's Beacon has a pretty good selection of food, so grabbed lunch there instead.....all done and said with, $14.00 for the food plus $10.00 tip, figured I would have spent at least $50 at the Boiler Room, so that turned out well! Trails were pretty quiet, passed 6 to 10 groups I would say, all spaced apart quite a bit. The one thing that struck me was all the riders/groups we passed were riding very respectful - I usually try to get in and out the last few years by noon or 1PM due to the number of yahoos you come across after lunch on the weekends, seems to happen on every ride, but not today! Saw a dead deer on the side of the trail that must have got hit by a sled fairly recently (last night) since most of the body was still intact. It was on the D101B between 60 and 61. Anyone know what is the deal with tracked side by sides riding the trail and what what appears to be a plowed section of D101B between 65 & 63 for I assume vehicles perhaps to get to their cottage - never witnessed this before on this section? Also noticed Bear Lake road (trail 64) is now plowed by I assume the cottage association a lot further than the usual 100/150 feet from Livingston lake road that is/was used by local cottagers to park? I do not think it is for logging..... Just a few pictures from the day.
  16. Very nice - heading up tomorrow for a ride. The upcoming week looks very promising for conditions to greatly improve as well up there!! Here is hoping things continue to improve and we have a great March.....maybe even some decent April riding options.
  17. Very nice!! - I see you have a hard time letting things go......lol I hope that Lynx has a working DESS, could be a liability.... And still a nice looking stable (shop).
  18. So you bought it I assume and still have the srx in the stable? Given the reviews, they sure do seem to be a sled I’m sure many would like to try.
  19. I forgot to update, I ended up buying from these guys, price is good, shipped fast and the cover works good. Tried PA first, but out of stock by me - likely the same one they sell as well. The cover fits my sled perfectly too, figured there might be some issues since they are all different.
  20. A couple of the "hunt camp" type places we stayed at that generally charge at the end of your stay for gas, lodging and drinks, were up there as well. There is a price to stay at these places vs. a motel/hotel in more rural areas, but the "hunt camp" locations are where the better memories from the trips over the years generally come from, IMO!
  21. Good to to hear the flip side! Price of gas went down a buck a litre too!!!! Was there still a min purchase to buy as well? Maybe the criticism from last year has paid off, the loacl clubs and base camp worked out the differences of opinions or the new ownership is already in effect. Either way, the loop and the base camp is a big part of that region and everyone benefits if all are working in harmony!
  22. I hate that feeling - happened a few times earlier this year, I was lead, stop to wait for others, nothing, start to head back and think the worst of course but hoping for just a mechanical issue, which was the case thankfully. We have been generally very lucky on our QC trips with other riders always on the correct side but this year my brother that was leading these times had almost two hits, one cresting a small hill like your situation and the other around a corner - both times I was right behind him and saw the whole thing and the other sledder in the middle of the trail and my brother was quick enough to dip into the bush quickly to avoid possible collision, really caused my brother a lot of anxiety though, which surprised me, but he is getting older too and these things tend to play with you more I find the more "experienced" you get. I did reassure him when we stopped he was where he needed to be and not his poor judgement. As said above, the other sled must have some damage, so hopefully a person who is in the know, will see this and challenge the person on the cause of the damage....or if in a group of other riders, some of the folks he/she is with, question what happened to cause that. I am not a tekvest guy, but what horrible luck that your friend who normally wears one, was not on this day. So sad to hear these stories, thankfully they are not common.
  23. Wow, sorry to hear and I hope your friend makes a full recovery. How is it the other person was able to run with that much damage/injury to your friend, the other person must have had some damage or injuries? Sounds like it may have been a group too. Were you there, I’m thinking not?
  24. Btw, didn’t you just take take a trip, where is the update or did I miss it?!?!
  25. It isn’t right when a hybrid costs the same as a v nose that has brakes, usually beefier frame and side walls…..and more room!
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