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Everything posted by Ox

  1. Ox


    Well ... OK ... but the owner of that cabin would likely prefer that you blew past and didn't notice it in the firth place.
  2. Ox


    25 yrs ago - we were riding in the U P eh? Me and my chum were mentioning a certain siding where we had played the day before - to some of the locals that we were riding with this day, and they had no clue where we were talking aboot. Well, riding out of Newberry - it's not like there are many options on which direction you head, so of course we rode past that spot 1/2 hr later, and we showed them that. "Huh, I never seen that before. Must have always blown through here at WOT."
  3. Yeah, my chums grand mum pile drove a train back in the mid 80's. (car) Dark night, parked train, back road, no lights, no DOT tape of any sort, and black cars.... She ate the dash and buggered up both knees pretty bad.
  4. Ox


    How did I guess who posted this before looking at the name? One day, maybe you will learn how to reply to a post w/o taking up so much room every time? (Hint - you can highlight the pic and hit DELETE and then just quote the text. It is possible... [most] of the rest of us have mastered it by now)
  5. I'm thinking that she wasn't s'posed to be out yelling at you.
  6. Yeah, it kind'a sounded like both of you were fussin' aboot this thing not being taken seriously. Don't git me wrong - I find the whole thing rather pointless past the "don't swamp the meds", and I hope to go riding soon, but still waiting for more snow.
  7. I would be the clown long before I would climb on that thing! I have a history of being that clown tho too I guess.... Not more than 5 yrs old, but fer sure - pre kiddygarten, I liked to wander out in the steer pen when they were outside. The fence was [non-moveable] stanchion style WWW, and I could run right through it at that age. I would wander in there just "so" far and get someone's attention, and then stick my thumbs in my ears and wave my fingers and "blablablabla" 'till someone would git pissed off and start chasing after me. As time went on, I would git braver and put more distance out there. Then one day I knew that I had bitten off more than I could chew. I know darn well that _ that steer was snort'n down my drawers as I blew through that fence like it wasn't even there, straight through the barn door, and straight to the house @ full tilt boogie! Never missed a beat! That just so happened to be the last time that I did that...
  8. Gotta love it! In a thread where they are bitchin' aboot everyone else not locking down werth a Schidt, 2 strangers decide that they need to get together for a ride.
  9. I don't understand why - if you have planned to go skipping - and if you was at this event in Dorset, then obviously it is planned - why wouldn't you have soap on a rope and seat off? (Tide bottle) I've never done it - really, but there have been several times when it was just water coming out the back of the sled, although it was snow covered on top. But I wonder about how a mtn sled acts? I'm thinkin' that you would likely want to go slower with the long track and big lugs?
  10. Ox


    OK then, I know Gardiner, I just thought that the trail north looked like it was on the other side of the river already at town. No?
  11. Ox


    Where is that ice bridge? That's not at Gardiner - is it? Or is it clear up at the dam? (Maybe you can't drive accrost the dam?) I haven't ran that trail up before. I have been up there in the truck, but I think that the trail runs on the east side of the river?
  12. It was not his fault. It was a conspiracy I tell yuh! Someone built that barn right there!
  13. Better be darned sure that the town council is on board with that...
  14. ... but in stead will take your $ and be quite appreciative for the opporntunity to doo so.
  15. With the titles of two of the top threads right now - why would anyone guess that the trails would be open? It would be nice if the titles were edited, or the threads closed and new ones opened. This is ridiculous...
  16. At >125 million passengers in / out / and through London per year, and considering that there likely isn't nearly the intra-country air travel there like there is in Canada / USA, that's a lot of people going somewhere else all the time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_busiest_airports_by_passenger_traffic
  17. Yeah, prolly a bad year for that.
  18. Had they even shut down Wuhan in mid December, it would have only delayed the innevitable. The cat is out of the bag. (or at least out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology) It's not like it was a quick acting disease that took out a whole village deep in the Congo. .
  19. I never heard aboot it until New Years. I remember passing out in a Col motel one night (actually two nights - tired, not other) and they were talking aboot that on the news. .
  20. ... and you honestly think that it is confined to the UK? Heathrow?
  21. They doo that at Snow King Hill in Jackson Hole, Wyoming every year. Sounds like BC is dooing aboot the same thing as Colorado. The difference is that (as I read it) that in Col they were saying that 2 strangers could occupy opp ends of the same 6 seater, but if you were a unit, then you could pile on more. .
  22. Most of the bigger hills have web cams - some of them live video, so you can see how the traffic is at the drop of a hat. I would think that Whistler would have one. https://www.onthesnow.com/colorado/monarch-mountain/webcams.html https://www.youtube.com/embed/DyvzXyJ_fVg .
  23. I'm gad for y'all that the trails will still be open, not sure how that translates to traveling/motel-ing, but I'd be up for beg for forgiveness if it comes to it. But I don't git the ski hill thing? I know that the Colorado hills have it so that you change and warm in your vee-hickle, and I ass_u_me that means that bus loads are off limits... (?) But the cafeteria is open, but come in - git sumpin' to eat, take enough time in the facility to gobble it down, and then git out. No loitering. The thing is that skiers are not typically an old, unhealthy, overweight smoker, bunch. I've never frequented a ski hill, but by the looks of the motel near Wolf Creek Pass - there are a LOT of kids there! It's sad that Searchmont is not open. I would have thought that most of their clientele would be from The Soo, but I guess not. There are some big name ski hills 2 hours further south, so.... but I understand that Searchmont is a bigger hill, but... ??? But, in the wake of this mandate, it's for their benefit that they haven't been working the hill and then not be able to open. I am very sorry for the folks at Halfway, as I am sure that D isn't gunna see Jack Schidt fer traffic this year, and yet they are there to keep the trail open. They will lose their assets!
  24. ... after clicking on "Map Layers" that is.... Thanks. It still told me where to look - and that it WAS there, I just needed to find it.... OH FOR PETEY"S SAKES! Click on Legend and git this: So then find "Help" under the "Aboot" tab, and get this pop-up: Then open that to a whole new Bible of shtuff.... . I guess I'm not that interested.... I already have my Topo's... edit II: Now when I went back to it, the legend is "up" now. Go figger....
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