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Good News For Haliburton

Fred Quimby

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club gets $20,000 for trail work

Posted By Chad Ingram

Posted 23 hours ago from the Minden Times newspaper...

The Haliburton Snowmobile Association will be upgrading some of the area’s snowmobile trails thanks to funding it recently received from the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs.

The association received $20,000 as part of $3.5 million the federation is handing out to Ontario clubs for infrastructure upgrades and trail improvements this season.

Association president Andy Chvedukas applied for the funding in April.

“We applied for $20,000, and we got $20,000,” Chvedukas said proudly last week.

He said the association is spending the money on improvements to a Trans Ontario Provincial (TOP) trail that connects Minden to Dorset.

“They’re like your 400-series highways,” Chvedukas said, adding he is hoping the improvements will increase snowmobile traffic in Minden this winter.

“It will make it easier for snowmobilers to get down here and have access to hotels, motels and restaurants,” he said.

Chvedukas said that $500,000 of the $3.5 million the federation is providing to the province’s clubs this year will be used to subsidize fuel costs and that the association may also see some of that money.

The snowmobiling season hasn’t quite started though, and Chvedukas warned riders they should not be venturing onto any trails until they have been opened by the association.

“They should basically be staying off the trails until we open them,” he said. “The season will begin when the trails open.”

While the county recently got a hefty fall of snow, Chvedukas said it would likely take one more substantial dumping before conditions are safe for riding.

“It’s looking pretty good right now,” he said. “We’re maybe gearing up for another season like last year.”

Chvedukas said the association is also working on proposals to get trails that run on public property onto municipal road allowances.

He is also drawing up a proposal for a floating bridge the association hopes will span the Gull River just south of Minden’s main street.

“We definitely realize that this is a very important project to get snowmobiles in Minden and across the river again,” he said. “I’m waiting to get feedback on costs.”

Chvedukas said the bridge would be able to swing 90 degrees to act as a dock during the summer months.

He is scheduled to appear before Minden Hills council in December regarding his proposals

This is great news. As we all know...Minden has been brutal to navigate through in the last few years. The re routes and extensive road running has cost the town tourism dollars. This club has done a lot over the last two or so seasons and continues to improve. I am proud to sled there and buy my permit through them.

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Good news for sure. Minden is a good place to stop for something to eat,(great Thai restaurant just off the TOPB, near the Gull River). Gas up, have a coffee or visit the Rockcliffe. There is even a decent hotel right on Hwy 35 seconds from the TOPB. It has been a true menace to navigate the last two years at least. Landowner issues and re routes have caused a major issue. So bad that many just don't bother going there anymore. That is sad as it is a real true loss of BIG tourism dollars.

From what I understand (anyone can correct me if I am misinformed). The HCSA wants to build a bridge over the Gull river for the winter to alleviate the insane re routes and problems navigating through town. The "club" is willing to do all the work and prepare a new trail to meet the new bridge. They are willing to fund the bridge but are apparently asking the town to cough up some dough for the anchoring system on either shore. In exchange for this...the town can swing the bridge alongside shore in the Summer and "presto", instant docking!! Free of charge, or almost.

I also understand that town council is balking to do this!!! Are they nuts??? Perhaps they really want Haliburton to get all the sled traffic and tourism dollars and poor Minden will be just a stop for Timmies and gas on the way to Haliburton. Come on councillors...wake up!

This is a great sledding area and there is lot's of room for people to spread the money around. The HCSA was one of the first to open up the trails last winter ( really tough trail system to groom, loads of swamps to cross and a massive amount of Canadian Shield rock to groom over), and the club continues to improve.

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There has to be a real problem with that council. There has been some closures of trails around there and the current route thru town is confusing and a lot of road running. The public need to be informed of the tourist dollars they are loosing to Haliburton/Kinmount/Fenlon Falls, etc... because the routes around and thru town are not encouraging sledders to "stay a while" in Minden..

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Great news for Haliburton.

I noticed from the Baxter Snowriders forum that at least one member of the municipal township is also a 'snowmobiler'. It bodes well for winter recreation.

Maybe it's time more sledders were elected.

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I think a lot of the problem with MANY of the area town councils is that they are primarily made up from "old timers" from the area. Now before anybody jumps all over me for disrespecting "elders", wait a minute....

These people like the feel of the towns "the way they were". The trouble with that is to maintain economic stability, there has to be changes. You have to attract tourism dollars and new industry and new enterprise. That is not something done too easily.

The barbershop, hardware store and ice creeam stand simply can't float an economy in this day and age. You need infrastructure, medical, education, transportation and culture. This is simply not developing in Minden yet Haliburton is seeing things flourish!

Seems like Minden just want's to pull the blinds down and go to bed.

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Seems like Minden just want's to pull the blinds down and go to bed.

Hey, is the Rockliffe still open? Cause I have some great memories. And I've lost some great memories 8-)

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Many councils suffer from terminal cranialrectosis or put simply they have their head shoved up their own a$$ so far that it suffocates all those around them. Seems to be running rampant in Ottawa too these days.

Minden always was a challenge to get through and extra docking would be a great benefit to the town in the summer .

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Seems like Minden just want's to pull the blinds down and go to bed.

Hey, is the Rockliffe still open? Cause I have some great memories. And I've lost some great memories 8-)

The Rockliffe is still open and does a fantastic business in the Summer too. The onl thing that has changed in there in several years is the toilet paper in the bathroom (just barely). I too have had many a good night in there through my twenties and into my thirties.

I believe it is up for sale.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Seems like Minden just want's to pull the blinds down and go to bed.

Hey, is the Rockliffe still open? Cause I have some great memories. And I've lost some great memories 8-)

I think I do too :wtf:

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