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Trail permit question


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The ofsc is going to have a big problem on its hands this fall. Lots will wait til january to see if the trails will open. This way they would negate that and get a lot of money you front. Just my 2 cents

God we can't have 3 bad winters in a row can we?

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We will never see a family rate. I have Bren pushing it for five years. Always gets voted down and thrown out. I thought first sled full price second 50 dollar discount and third has to be a youth at 18 or under for 130 before December ist. This would keep people from cheating the family pass system and all sleds

have to be registered at the same address.

Otherwise brother and sisters and related family members would register sleds at same address and cheat family pass system. Hailburton forest does this structure and it works well for them.

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I like the rider permit idea, or something along that line of thinking. I'm sure there is something that could be done to allow easy verification.

Let's face it 80-90% (maybe more) don't mind playing by the rules. The minority looking for a free ride will always do so in my opinion, even if permits were half the price.

I think we need to encourage long time supporters to continue. I know of several riders that have older machines sitting around. Why not allow them to use, on a nice day for a few miles.

As i understand there are many more leaving our sport than joining, for many reasons i'm sure. This might sway a few more to stay.

Riders are frusterated. I think throwing them the odd bone will only benefit in the long run.

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