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Turbo Doo

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Everything posted by Turbo Doo

  1. I love swimming at the cottage on lake Simcoe, but not in the winter...
  2. SRF side is limited, due to, OPG plowing a section for access. Just a heads up..
  3. https://m.facebook.com/gemtrailblazers/ Keep an eye out here for updates... https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Sports---recreation/Tri-Town-Sno-Travellers-and-Club-Echo-227537464090413/
  4. If I recall our last time there, it's before the south end of Wawa trail 5. I'm drawing a blank here, it's been a while...
  5. A trail North from Elk Lake, has had limited groomer runs on it as well..
  6. That's what I had thought. Thanks @skidooboy
  7. Imo, Elk Lake Trailblazers have been struggling with Groomer breakdowns as per their facebook page. By the looks of things they have been struggling with making frequent groomer runs...
  8. The Wawa Lookout, how far south on the D trail is it from town?...
  9. Looks awesome @AC+YA...
  10. I knew about the trailer service, I was just interested as to what you guys did. I'm glad your enjoying the 900 Turbo R. Awesome stuff...
  11. I agree, she's starting to sing already for the south if the forecast doesn't change...
  12. We just see that also, like wtf, darn protesters.......
  13. Great pics @zoso, thanks for sharing....
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