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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2019 in Posts

  1. Here we go boys & girls ... was driving home last friday, " autonomous driving " 401 west near Colborne ... no mistaking whats in these boxes cheers
    2 points
  2. Owners have been trying to sell for a long time. All the best to them. Jerry
    1 point
  3. First world countries around the world as a regular course of daily life hire or elect people to make decisions for us so that more expensive means ( eg courts)do not need to be used for every decision or judgement call. Heck even in our sport we rely on referees and umpires to make judgements because having video reviews or committe decisions for every shot or pitch or check would take way to much time and money. If you don't trust the police to do their job and get it right 99 percent of the time then you are living in the wrong country and must have endless pockets to pay for your fantasy world.
    1 point
  4. Enforcement will increase trail pass sales. My Ontario pass has not been checked in 3 years.
    1 point
  5. Dam those heavy Yamahas lol
    1 point
  6. Eastbound on Hwy 7 east of Ptbo. Not sure if this is relevant to the story, but I think the truck was struggling to do 80 klicks on the flat LOL. I was doing a bit over 90 & flew by him. chez nous, I was up to Brampton & back today, no sled sighting on the 401 or 410.
    1 point
  7. Get well soon skidooboy ! You too Luc.
    1 point
  8. I did some research in 2016 and ended up buying some "mydlink" stuff on Amazon.ca in 2016 and 2018. I wanted something affordable, quick, and easy for the front office and part of a warehouse at my moving and storage business. (See images of my purchases and a screen capture from one of the cameras.) Not high end, but I've been satisfied with the reasonable cost and ease of use. Wireless connection between cameras and recorder. Has sound and video. (The second camera has been more stable than the first. I have to reset the first camera every couple of weeks by unplugging it for a few seconds.) I had an employee set up the cameras, recorder, and storage device, and connect to the internet. I then downloaded an app for my Android phone, and can view the two cameras in real time on my phone, from anywhere with an internet connection. Beyond the purchase of the initial hardware, there have been no ongoing subscription fees. I also purchased some more extensive and expensive systems from a security consultant. They are a little better quality, but harder to set up and use. For ease of set up and use, I would recommend the mydlink stuff.
    1 point
  9. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. It's a duck. There are some obvious no question scenarios. Stop someone and they are carrying an unpermitted gun. There aren't any excuses, They are a criminal. Too bad we have to go through all the court cost to lock them up. Open the car door and the driver spills out onto the ground then blows way over the legal limit. Don't try and tell me they aren't drunk. Go directly to jail, do not pass go.
    1 point
  10. Nonsense. Wheres the preservation of ones rights in this situation? If a person is guilty the courts will punish them accordingly. If there are no courts involved then we have to grant absolute power to the officer or officers to make this judgement and ANYONE who thinks this a wise approach is simply blind to humanity. Placing a badge on a persons hat and giving them a job to serve and protect does not immediately make this person PERFECT. Far from it We had two police officers in Niagara shoot at each other. We regularly see officers arrested for Impaired and other issues because they too ARE HUMAN and make errors just the same as all of us so no matter the instance there is NO TIME EVER where due process and a right to a trial can be eliminated. Theres simply no good argument against this at all. Justice after a trial is every bit as just as wanting an immediate judgement, and its FAR SUPERIOR too. No room for excuses, no room for abuses. Equal justice for each and everyone INCLUDING the police, they have no rights different than you or I.
    0 points
  11. By them, who do you mean exactly? As for the current method of waiting for a crime to happen before an arrest is made? Do you suggest something else? Its crucial to grasp there is no them and us. Its only US. Thats it and thats all there ever will be. ALL of US have a right to a fair trial based on the presumption of innocence and the benefit of doubt. If you dont agree with that granting rights skirting powers to police to act as a judge/jury in a road side manner is NOT the way forward. Its backward. Absolute power, corrupts absolutely. We need to keep the checks and balances in play
    0 points
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