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Warwick end of season message


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As I look out my window at the dusting of snow we got last night its hard to admit its over, but its time I guess :( . It was a pretty good year, even with the ups and downs in temp.s with a little rain thrown in, I for one put more miles on than I ever have, so I hope others did as well.

So here goes with the end of season message.

Once again we have had a great season for the Warwick Snowmobile club and we would like to send out a great big THANK YOU to all our very generous landowners, with out them we would be no where, so give them a wave or stop and say thanks if you see them on the trail.

Also to all our volunteers, from the ones who could only spend a short time to the big hour guys and gals, thanks again for a great year. A special note to the groomer operators who put in a pile of time keeping things in great shape with the fluctuating temp.s this year, and the great gang that came out to help with our new shack it turned out to be the great meeting place we thought it would. Cheers to you all.

To our permit buyers, thanks for giving us a record or near record year for permit sales, we were thrilled with the numbers. We hope you all come back next year, and remember, its your generous permit dollars that make projects like the new shack possible. Maybe we,ll have another suprise for you next year ;) , and thanks again.

Finally to anyone who,s ever thought about coming out to a meeting or helping out in anyway, just do it, its a great bunch of people and a lot of fun. So come to a meeting or email us(or me) if you even have a few hours to spare, its the only way these trails get done and we can always use some new help.

Thanks to you all, Todd

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