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Everything posted by Sledguy74

  1. wet flurries forcast for later this week

  2. woke up to sun shine, a full moon and frost

  3. weather getting cooler

  4. Have a great Victoria Day weekend

  5. where did spring go?

  6. finally a nice spring day !

  7. my season is over !

  8. my season is over !

  9. nice early morning ride to conestoga lake and back, trails were great

  10. calling for - 10 C tonight

  11. calling for - 10 C tonight

  12. storm has arrived but so far its freezing drizzle

  13. rain sure does ruin trails in a hurry

  14. warm day out there, at least the car stays clean

  15. enjoying my sunday morning sled tv hour

    1. Techdenis007


      just watched SnowTrax myself !

  16. might have to check out the wing night in Jan, been a few years sense i was at the St Clements club house
  17. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

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