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Everything posted by Sledguy74

  1. just had put the lawn mowers away and already into the snow shovels

  2. another great show behind us.....good thing i left the cheque book at home

  3. permit arrived........lets ride

  4. finally a day off work

  5. feels like fall today

  6. saw some trees starting to change colour in Bracebridge this weekend....fall is coming

  7. 10 weeks until the Toronto Snowmobile/ATV show

    1. Sledguy74


      make that 8 weeks

  8. Canadians pay more in Taxes than housing, food and clothing combined.........thanks Stats Canada for wasting money telling me something i already know !

  9. Always tired first Monday back after vacation

  10. just got back from cottage country and my 2011 Cruze ECO averaged 51 mpg......130,000kms and still running like new

  11. Hope everyone has a great Canada Day weekend - Muskoka Bound !

  12. sled is summerized ready for storage.

  13. Elmira Maple Syrup Festival = time to put the sleds away for summer

  14. Heading to Barrie this morning to see the 2015s

    1. white dragon

      white dragon

      i'm at door 12:30 till 3...say hi

    2. Sledguy74
  15. spring weather returning for at least 1 day lol

  16. no sign of spring today

  17. storming today, going to be a crap drive home from work

  18. calling for + 5 C and rain tomorrow.....spring will eventually arrive

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NiagaraKev



    3. aar0n


      not true in LOB +2 and 1mm of rain. Pas de problème, mon gas

    4. Sledguy74


      just saying is all

  19. broke 1000 miles this season so far, all good

    1. aar0n


      same! feels good. after march break will break 1500 easily

    2. Redfisher


      cool I have 1500 miles

  20. 10 cms of fresh snow this morning in KW, another addition to a fantastic winter

  21. About that time to head back up to the Almaguin Highlands

  22. more snow coming tonight to SW Ontario

    1. Redfisher


      I was just thinking we could use some more snow.

  23. 250 mile weekend...great times

  24. First 50 miles today Elmira To Arthur and back

  25. was a little refreshing walking out the door this morning

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