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Poo Man

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Posts posted by Poo Man

  1. 28 minutes ago, Sksman said:

    Shopping malls are now open so why would snowmobile show be cancelled?


    I can see entry times controlled.


    Maybe day specific attendance limits?

    Probably not profitable/worth it for vendors at that point.

  2. 1 hour ago, skidooboy said:

    at least you have that option. your govt is holding my property, tools, and snowmobiles hostage. cant get out of either, cant go sledding here, unless i buy all new EVERYTHING, INC SLEDS! Ski

    I sympathize with you ski, it's just another example of how a few a$$holes ruin everything for the rest of us. With the amount of people already lying to get across I doubt our government is very motivated to further relax the rules. I haven't seen my family from the states since Christmas.

  3. 3 hours ago, skidooboy said:

    personally (biased), they should implement some sort of screening process, and allow certain individuals (like property owners, with the means of no contact travel, able to quarantine no contact, and negative covid test) to cross, periodically.

    Unfortunately a few people wouldn't comply and we know what the end result will be. Ontario is about to open up even more and a setback would be way more costly to our economy then allowing American tourism. My sister and mother in law both live in the states and badly want to visit. Even with a plan of doing a 14 day quarantine in our basement apartment wasn't allowed. Wishing you all the best with your property.

  4. 1 hour ago, crispy said:

    Real crime is up, complaints against police are up and has been moving upwards for years. If your unfortunate enough to suffer a crime the police rarely show up.

    Bang on. My aunt was building a house and had restaurant grade appliances installed. A day later someone stole them, ruining the floors and flooded the house as they didn't bother removing water lines. No other trades were on site in that time frame, meaning it was most likely related to the installers. The cops didn't investigate a thing, say it happens a lot. Don't worry about it you have insurance. 

    • Sad 1
  5. 42 minutes ago, PISTON LAKE CRUISER said:

    You just can't make this stuff up!

     Imagine if 10 years ago you were approached by a time traveler and he was like "Look, I don't have much time to explain, all I can tell you is that the year 2020 is going to be wild as hell! You know Donald Trump, the star of the apprentice? Well he's the president of the United States and at the beginning of 2020 he gets into a Twitter beef with Iran that almost starts world war 3. Australia catches fire and a woman tries to save it by selling pictures of her tits. Kobe Bryant dies in a helicopter crash. Half the world is devasted, the other half just makes messed up memes. A 42 year old Canadian Zamboni driver wins the game against the Toronto Maple Leafs...his own home team! And just when the world starts recovering from the loss of Kobe some dude in China eats a f-ing bat and starts a global pandemic that specifically kills old people and asthmatics. The Prime Minister of Canada directs everyone to not speak moistly on others (more memes ensue) President Trump halts all funding to the WHO. Everyone loses their minds. 40% of the population thinks it's the end of the world another 40% thinks it's all fake and 20% blames the whole thing on cell phone towers. The one thing everyone seems to agree on is that the only way to survive is by hoarding toilet paper. Grocery stores are ransacked and Charmin Ultra Soft essentially replaces all official currencies. Eventually as hysteria grows, governments are forced to shut the entire planet down and lock everyone in their houses and..... the only person that can keep the people from completely losing their minds and starting a huge riot is a gun toting Oklahoma man with two husband's, a meth addiction, and 223 pet tigers...

    And that was all before Spring!!! 

    2020 has been one hell of a ride so far.....

  6. 1 hour ago, coldfinger said:

    Totally off topic but I heard  there is a cure coming out of Merica  which one are you guys endorsing . The Lysol injection or bleach chewables  , leaning toward the bleach as I like the smell on my laundry. 

    Tide pods 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, RAMSOMAIR said:

    Again, how does help with social distancing????  How is building a home, a garage and addition ESSENTIAL! 

    It doesn't but leaving a house open to the elements means a lot of damage, or theft/vandalism. Also could mean screwing with timelines leaving people out of their homes. A house two doors up from me is being built. I've seen the trades coming on different days. I saw the ESA inspector come when no one was working. Something that isn't a primary residence should be completed until it's dried in then left, but who could possible enforce that 

    • Like 1
  8. Residential construction projects where,

    1. a footing permit has been granted for single family, semi-detached and townhomes
    2. an above grade structural permit has been granted for condominiums, mixed use and other buildings, or
    3. the project involves renovations to residential properties and construction work was started before April 4, 2020
  9. Going into 4th week of isolation. Haven't left the house other then curbside grocery pickup every 2 weeks and 2 trips to the hospital, and a few walks. Finally got the basement mudding and sanding all done. 

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Strong Farmer said:

    My brother in law parents washing machine broke and then they went to Florida for 3 weeks just returned last week. Then they went out shopping for a new machine. People don’t get it.  Have no idea if they got machine installed or not. 

    Nothing will get it into those types of people's head until their loved ones are alone in a hospital on a ventilator. Then it will be someone else's fault :mad:

    • Like 4
  11. We've been self isolating for a week now, except for a run to the hospital on Tuesday. We had to call ahead to avoid the lineup to get in due to them screening everyone on the way in but other then that things seemed normal. We have a weeks worth of food left, trying to decide when we should stock back up 

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